Outdoor Power is Now Zebros Outdoor Power

Outdoor Power is Now Zebros Outdoor Power

Outdoor Power is Now Zebros Outdoor Power

 We are excited to announce a branding update for Outdoor Power Sales & Service, with a name change to Zebros Outdoor Power, and introduce our newest team member "Zee" a awful cute zebra with a big personality!

Why The Name Zebros? 

 Here's why we came up with the name Zebros. About 85% of our management, team leaders and owners all have the same last name Zimmerman and most are brothers!  .... So hence Zebros! 

Is Zebros Different Owners? 

 No, Zebros Outdoor Power is still owned by the same since owners since 2004 when it was started as Outdoor Power. We are committed to only continuing to "earn our stripes"  (pun intended). 

 What's The Reason For Changing The Name? 

  At Outdoor Power over the past 5 years we would occasionally talk about it as a team that our name "outdoor power" is very generic and in the age of digital marketing, being able to market for a unique keyword is a key to showing up in the results on Google when customers are searching for our name. We hope that the new name "Zēbrōs Outdoor Power"  will accomplish that, plus let us have a bit of fun with our mascot Zee, the zebra! 

                          Zee the Zebra Mascot For Zebros Outdoor Power